The Ficus Benjamina

The ficus benjamina is a stunning houseplant that deserves your full attention. Also called weeping fig, this evergreen shrub is very popular ...

How to prune a Ficus benjamina?

Native to India, the Ficus benjamina is a tree whose leaves are persistent, that is to say that they do not fall in winter. In his native environment, he ...

How to save a Ficus benjamina?

The Ficus benjamina is a particularly popular species that is present in many homes around the world. Very often, this plant seduces by ...

How to water a Ficus benjamina?

The Ficus benjamina is a tropical plant of Asian origin whose maintenance is quite easy. This pretty houseplant will be a real cleanser of your environment, ...

How to cut a ficus benjamina?

All tropical plants of Asian origin such as the ficus benjamina deserve appropriate care and treatment in order to survive and hope to achieve hope ...