What can you plant with a ficus?

Do you want to make a flowery or at least leafy interior? Well, you will surely be able to find your happiness with the ficus which are a species of plant which is queen in this field.

Moreover, many people have been tempted by these magnificent plants with large and beautiful leaves that perfectly manage to brighten up your interior in a few minutes.

However, these may not be the only plants you have in your home and as we know, the interior space is obviously not expandable at will! Therefore, you are certainly asking yourself a question.

This question is to know what can be planted with a ficus. Well, the answer is not that simple as we will see in this article, although alternatives are possible.

Ficus - General information 

There are a whole bunch of different ficus trees on the market, each with characteristics that will look better on some people than on others. This is why we invite you to discover them all in our article on this subject.

It's a complicated thing to do

The first thing to know is that when you go looking for a plant to plant with a ficus, you may quickly fall from a height when you see that the task is not as easy as you thought!

Indeed, what it will take is that this plant will have to have a watering rhythm which will remain quite similar to that of the ficus which is still quite particular, even if it varies from one species to the next. other.

To make things easier, we will speak here of the general case which is that of watering from time to time, when the earth begins to dry out. If this is not the case with your ficus, you should see other examples.

Indeed, if you water too much, you will have to do for example with leaves which turn brown and fall, then with the rotting of the roots and the death of your ficus, which you are trying to avoid.

Likewise, if ficuses are generally plants that like to live in a cramped space, you must take care that the plant you put with does not have too big roots at the risk of generating your ficus.

Therefore, the question of what to plant with a ficus becomes thorny! Indeed, at the slightest problem, your ficus may start to lose its leaves and it will be disaster. But we will still give you some leads.

Plant a yucca with a ficus

The first plant that can come to mind when we talk about what to plant with a ficus is of course the yucca. Indeed, it is ultimately a plant that is quite similar to the ficus.

Indeed, there are beautiful leaves, which will help it perfectly to fit into your interior if you already have a ficus. In addition, the water requirements are still quite similar to the majority of ficus trees.

However, there is a major problem when it comes to planting this type of plant with a ficus, and that is watering in summer. Indeed, yuccas still tend to require a little more watering during this period.

It may be a bit too much for some of the ficus trees and it will therefore be necessary to take care to take a yucca which does not need too much water in summer and a ficus which, on the contrary, is not too bothered by more water than usual.

If you want to see what these famous yuccas look like before you decide, we leave you with this video which introduces you to different species of this genus which includes in all about fifty.

Plant with a ficus, another ficus

It's silly, but when you wonder what to plant with a ficus, the answer that seems to jump out at us is quite simply another ficus. Indeed, like that, you will make sure that the needs are similar;

Finally, before that, check all the same that the two ficus have similar needs, see that it is really the same species which will solve the problem, but again, problems can occur.

It has been said that ficuses are capricious and although they like to be a little cramped, it has limits and two ficuses, it is the risk that they get in the way of each other in the same pot with their roots.

Therefore, you risk seeing one of your ficus trees, or even both, which will start to lose leaves and this is not the expected result. So make sure you give them each the space they need.

Some cacti can do the trick

Finally, the type of plant that comes to mind when we wonder what to plant with a ficus, it is the cacti. This is because both only need moderate watering, and the roots of the cacti are not that large.

It sounds like the perfect match, but just remember that watering ficus might be a bit too much for a lot of cacti. Again, do not hesitate to inform yourself well before taking the plunge.

Our advice for buying your ficus

Ficuses are beautiful plants, and there are all kinds of them. Are you struggling to make your choice? No worries, we've made a selection for you.