What to clean a ficus with?

Among all the indoor plants the ficus gives you a feeling of closeness to nature and also serves to purify the air in a room. This plant of Asian origin requires maintenance. Even if you don't necessarily have a green thumb, it is not difficult to take care of it. However, this requires a minimum of willpower. The ficus is an ideal plant to decorate all kinds of interiors such as the living room or an office. You should know that the ficus says to be placed in a place that gives it good light, an ideal temperature which is on average 20 ° C and a fairly high amount of humidity. One day your ficus may get dirty.

The foliage of your ficus could get dirty for a reason that is not always obvious. This could be caused by insects like mealybugs or mites like red spiders. Notwithstanding, it could also come as a result of work in your home. Here are the 5 ways that could help you effectively clean your ficus leaves.

How to clean the leaves of your ficus?

When we notice the presence of spots on the leaves of our ficus, it is quite normal to wonder what we could do to remove them and regain the shine of the foliage. There are a few solutions to this. Here are the solutions to this kind of problem in five points.

1. Cleaning the ficus with water

To dust the leaves of your ficus, take a soft sponge and soak it in lukewarm water and wipe the dirty surfaces. This will give good results without damaging your ficus. However, this type of cleaning is not always effective when you have really stubborn stains clinging to your ficus. We can say, however, that this will clean your leaves and provide the amount of moisture they need. In the event that you notice a white substance flowing from your ficus, you will need to spray water on the leaves using a spray.

2. Cleaning the ficus with alcohol

this solution is ideal when the foliage of your ficus has suffered attacks from insects such as mealybugs, aphids or mites such as spider mites. To do this, it suffices to soak a cloth with 90 ° alcohol and to wipe the leaves. The little animals will be suffocated and your foliage will regain its state. Beer being a drink containing alcohol helps to clean the foliage of your ficus and remove difficult stains like paint while watering your ficus. It also helps fight against insects

3. Cleaning the ficus with soap

There are different kinds of soap depending on the size of the stain and its cause. If it is a simple grease stain, all you need to do is use a Marseille soap. For cleaning, use a cloth and a little lukewarm water. You will rub lightly on the dirty areas and the stains should disappear. On the other hand, if your ficus has been attacked by insects or mites, it will be necessary to use another type of soap, an insecticidal soap which allows them to be cleaned and killed.

4. Cleaning the ficus with vegetable oil

this kind of product is a natural solution to eliminate the honeydew present on the leaves of your ficus. This viscous and transparent substance which is a sweet secretion of insects like green aphids. By applying a vegetable oil to the foliage of your ficus, the little animals will be asphyxiated and the substance that is the honeydew will disappear.

5. Cleaning the ficus with black soap and alcohol

This solution is a natural remedy for the little beasts that ravage your foliage. You just need to spray the mixture on all the leaves impacted by the honeydew or the white spots left by mealybugs. Remember to add a little water to lighten the alcohol content. The advantage with this mixture is that it gets rid of the bugs and does not attack the foliage of your plant.

Some tips that could be useful to you to effectively clean your ficus

The leaves of your ficus are really sensitive. They easily retain dust and various stains such as paint or grease as well as other organic substances. To clean the stains that are there, you will first need to know what could have caused them. If your ficus has suffered attacks from insects or mites, it deserves to give it the necessary remedies. however, always favor natural products.

Whenever possible, avoid using chemicals like the different kinds of detergents available in your home for cleaning your ficus. It could attack him.

Your ficus may release a white substance, you have to be careful, it is toxic and could be harmful to the health of your plant. Take lukewarm water and sprinkle it all over the foliage.

For water cleaning, use demineralized water or rainwater if possible.