How to save a Ficus elastica?

The Ficus elastica, also known as the Rubber Ficus, is an easy-to-care houseplant that brings a touch of greenery in…

How to save a Ficus lyrata?

Ficus lyrata is the scientific name for the lyre fig tree. Belle is easy to care for, this green plant is present in many interiors and it…

How to save a Ficus ginseng?

Ficus ginseng is a small tree, ideal for budding gardeners who want to get started with bonsai cultivation. Originally from India and ...

How to save a Ficus benjamina?

The Ficus benjamina is a particularly popular species that is present in many homes around the world. Very often, this plant seduces by ...

How to save a Ficus bonsai?

The Ficus Bonsai is a resistant plant if it is well maintained. However, different factors can be the cause of the deterioration of the plant. In …