How to water a Ficus bonsai?

The Ficus bonsai is an original houseplant, which represents a decorative element of first choice. Its maintenance is quite simple because it adapts very easily to its environment. The Ficus bonsai will be maintained in the same way as all the other species of tropical plants that we will cultivate indoors, while fully respecting the rules of the art of bonsai.

What are the water needs of Ficus bonsai and how to water it correctly? We tell you more in our article dedicated to watering this miniature tree.

What are the plant's needs to take into account when watering a Ficus bonsai?

The Ficus bonsai is a plant of tropical origin. Therefore, its water needs are greater than some species that can be found in our climates.

When watering the Ficus bonsai, you will be sure to use non-hard water that is at room temperature. The water supplies will be adjusted according to the season but also to the stages of development of the plant. To promote ambient humidity, you can spray the foliage of the Ficus bonsai with clean water daily.

If the Ficus bonsai has great water needs, it is essential not to drown its roots. During each watering, you will take care not to water the small tree in excess and to empty the residual water which is in the saucer. With an excess of water in the pot of the Ficus bonsai, it could be that this one can no longer push properly.

How often to water a Ficus bonsai?

The Ficus bonsai is a species that should be watered very regularly. You must always ensure that the substrate is dry on the surface before undertaking any form of humidification of the plant. However, be careful not to let the root ball dry out completely.

Note that the smaller the pot, the less water you can provide to the Ficus bonsai and the faster it will flow out of the pot. So, with a small pot, you will need to water the plant more frequently.

In summer, when temperatures are high and the air is dry, you should definitely increase the frequency of watering. Water your Ficus bonsai every morning and every evening when the temperatures are lower than the rest of the day. Do not expose your miniature tree to direct sunlight and prefer to place it in a location where it can benefit from shaded exposure. Conversely, in winter, temperatures decrease and the frequency of watering can then be reduced. In autumn, you can water your Ficus bonsai if it does not benefit from the seasonal rains.

How to water a Ficus bonsai?

The Ficus bonsai must be watered in fine rain. For this, you can use a special bonsai watering can which will allow watering above the leaves when the soil is dry. Watering is a crucial phase which is essential for the proper development of the tree. By using a suitable tool, it will therefore be possible to provide optimal watering to the Ficus bonsai.

To properly water a Ficus bonsai, we will use a method perfectly suited to this species: drenching. This widespread technique provides optimum water supply to this type of plant. The drenching consists of watering the entire bonsai with fine rain. This not only brings water to the plant but also gets rid of dust and mites.

The watering can used must therefore be provided for this purpose. Thus, you will choose a device equipped with a finely pierced apple which will allow the entire foliage to be enveloped and to soak the earth well. With this suitable tool, you will be able to water the Ficus bonsai, until water flows through the holes in the support. The watering head should be narrow and thin enough to allow precise watering.

Depending on the number of Ficus bonsai you have, you will also have to choose the capacity of the watering can. If you only have one, a 0,6-liter watering can will be sufficient. Conversely, if you have several trees, then you will have to choose material with a larger capacity. The watering can can be plastic, aluminum or copper, depending on the price you want to put on it.

If it is impossible to establish a general frequency for watering Ficus bonsai, it is essential to carefully observe the plant in order to determine its needs and act according to them. Watering depends on many factors such as the outside temperature, the exposure, the dimensions of the pot… etc. Only one recommendation for optimal watering of your Ficus bonsai: be very careful. Know thatthere are many species of Ficus bonsai and that each of them will have different needs.