How to repot a ficus benjamina?

Ficus benjamina from the Moraceae family helps to purify the air inside our home or office by absorbing all impurities such as gas or smoke. This plant needs to be maintained and deserves some care. You should know that his survival and his health depend on all this, knowing that he can reach a life expectancy of up to twenty years. However, one day for one reason or another the ficus benjamina may need to be repotted. This is quite normal because you should know that repotting should be done every 2 years due to the growth of the plant.
Generally speaking, to keep your ficus benjamina alive and in excellent health, repotting is really necessary. This allows it to get good growth inside a pot adapted to its size. Nevertheless, it is useful to know the technique of repotting, in order to avoid possible risks for the health of your plant. Here are the 5 steps to follow to successfully repot your ficus benjamina.

The 5 steps to follow to repot ficus benjamina

One day we might have to change the pot of our ficus, because of its size or other diseases related to its foliage. To this end, it is normal to wonder what we could do to repot our houseplant properly. Here are five steps to follow to properly repot your ficus benjamina.

1. The preparatory phase

Before embarking on repotting, you must choose a pot of good size. Make sure it is not too large and heavy enough to support the weight of the plant. The pot should be made with a material that allows water to escape. The ficus despite being a tropical plant does not support the permanent presence of water. Above all, do not use water reservoirs. Then put the two pots side by side and fill the bottom of the new one with pebbles or clay balls. You should know that the ideal season to repot all ficus trees is spring because it provides a fairly mild temperature favorable to the plants.

2. Remove the ficus from its pot

Before removing the ficus from its pot, you must water your ficus to moisten the soil and allow your plant to come out easily. However, care will have to be taken during the extraction phase. Turn the bottom of the pot and remove the ficus gently with your hands so as not to risk breaking it. Remember to untangle the roots to help absorb water and nutrients once in the new pot.

3. Repotting

After following the steps correctly, it is time to move on to repotting by placing your ficus benjamina in the new pot. After that it will be necessary to add soil. Make sure to put a special green house plant potting soil to prevent your ficus from suffering different diseases related to poor soil quality.

4. Leave to dry

After repotting your ficus benjamina, it should not be watered immediately. It will be necessary to wait until the ground is quite dry. Remember to fertilize the soil so that it can give your plant the necessary nutrients. For this purpose, put the right dose of fertilizer 15 days after repotting.

5. Maintenance after repotting

After repotting, you will need to place your plant in a place that will allow it to receive a sufficient amount of light. Also make sure that the temperature in which it is located does not exceed 22 ° C and does not allow a draft. Remember to moisten the leaves of your plant at least once a day with a soft cloth dampened with water or a spray. Perform regular surfacing and repot your ficus benjamina every 2 years.

Some tips that could help you repotting your ficus benjamina

After following the steps for repotting your ficus benjamina, do not forget to ensure good hydration, especially in summer. Water is an essential element for the survival and the good growth of the ficus, do not forget to water it every week. Before any watering session, you should never forget to check that the soil is very dry to avoid any excess water.

The health of your ficus depends on the type of potting soil and substrate you put in the pot. Make sure that you have used a special green houseplant potting soil and that the substrate provides good drainage.

do not forget to give your plant the necessary conditions for its health and growth, good light, a location in a place with a maximum temperature of 22 ° C and moisten it with a spray or a cloth soaked in water at least once a day. Avoid placing it in a place where there is a draft and strong exposure to sunlight.