How to save a Ficus bonsai?

The Ficus Bonsai is a resistant plant if it is well maintained. However, different factors can be the cause of the deterioration of the plant. In general, trees do not die of old age. If your Ficus bonsai is at its worst, it is certainly due to a maintenance problem.

However, be aware that taking care of a Ficus bonsai is not that complicated, and that by following certain steps, you can completely revive your small tree. How? 'Or' What save a Ficus bonsai? We tell you more in our guide!

Save a Ficus bonsai tree by ridding it of parasites

One of the most common causes of the weakening of Ficus bonsai is infestation of the plant by a parasite. Indeed, an insect attack can be the cause of the falling leaves of your tree and even much worse. To find out if parasites have infested your Ficus bonsai, carefully observe its leaves, its trunk but also the soil in search of small animals. If during your search for nothing in particular, spray a little water on the tree. This could cause insects to jump.

To control the insects that infest the plant, you can make a small mixture at home, with ingredients from the cupboard. This clever mixture consists of 100 g of crushed garlic that you will mix with a tablespoon of olive oil. You will then have to rest this maceration of diluted garlic for a whole day. After 24 hours, you can add a liter of water and filter everything. This mixture also helps fight against fungal diseases that can sometimes affect the Ficus bonsai. If the leaves of the falling tree are damaged or stained, it may be that it is suffering from such a disease.

To fight against parasites on a daily basis, consider spraying a little clear water regularly on the leaves of the Ficus bonsai. This will make it possible to compensate for the dryness of the ambient air, but also to prevent the proliferation of parasites which could attack the plant.

Save a Ficus bonsai that has not been watered properly

If your Ficus bonsai loses its leaves suddenly, outside of winter or fall, it is likely that the problem is related to poor watering of the plant. If the falling leaves are black at the tips, the tree is suffering from overwatering. To alleviate this problem, you need to check that the water is flowing properly through the drainage holes. Indeed, it is absolutely necessary to prevent water from accumulating in the saucer located under the pot.

Conversely, the Ficus bonsai is a miniature tree which may be overdue because you forgot to water it. This is always planted in a small pot and therefore has very little nutrient reserves and little water at its disposal. If the roots are not completely dry, you will be able to save your Ficus bonsai by watering it properly. To do this, make sure that the soil is always very dry between two waterings and preferably choose non-hard water at room temperature.

Make sure that the water always penetrates the substrate correctly. Water the Ficus bonsai then wait a few minutes before watering it again to make sure the soil is properly moistened. When you have managed to save your Ficus bonsai, you can then repot it in a substrate that suits it perfectly. If the land is not suitable for the species, it could be that the Ficus bonsai does not grow properly.

Save a Ficus bonsai that is not in a suitable environment

The Ficus bonsai is an indoor plant. In general, it is recommended to place this tree near a window, facing south. The Ficus bonsai is a plant of tropical origin that needs a lot of light. However, the vast majority of our homes are not suitable for their development. The light intensity inside is indeed often much lower than outside. If the Ficus bonsai is not going to die immediately as a result of a lack of light, its growth will slow down and it will gradually weaken.

If your Ficus bonsai is dying from a lack of light, move it in front of a south-facing window. If that's not enough, you can use an artificial light source. Thus, we recommend that you use horticultural bulbs or light-emitting diodes for several hours each day.

Following these various tips, all you have to do now is take good care of your Ficus bonsai. For it to be healthy, never forget to water it well and place it in a suitable place. If you follow the various points above carefully and have a little green thumb, your Ficus bonsai will most certainly recover.