How to save a Ficus lyrata?

Ficus lyrata is the scientific name for the lyre fig tree. Beautiful is easy to maintain, this green plant is present in many interiors and it brings oxygen to the home.

If the lyre fig tree is rather resistant, certain cultivation errors can lead to diseases and the arrival of parasites on the plant. In this case, you need to know the different symptoms and their meaning in order to be able to provide the best possible treatment for your plant. How to save a Ficus lyrata? Zoom in on the different methods that can give your shrub a boost!

Rescue a Ficus lyrata whose leaves are falling

Si the Ficus lyrata is an easy to maintain plant, it can still be affected by certain conditions. In general, the loss of leaves of Ficus lyrata is due to some maintenance errors. We must be particularly vigilant in providing appropriate care for the lyre fig tree so that it can develop in the best possible conditions.

If the leaves of your Ficus lyrata tend to fall, then diagnose the reason for this fall. If the acquisition of the shrub is recent, it is normal for the tree to lose its leaves. Indeed, a change of environment will tend to stress the plant and it will thus develop certain defense mechanisms such as the loss of its leaves.

The environment in which you place your Ficus lyrata will often be the cause of this leaf fall. A change of location, accompanied by a sudden temperature variation can stress the plant. The Ficus lyrata needs a fairly long adaptation time and incessant changes of environment will greatly disturb it. If possible, try to choose a permanent place for your plant, close to a source of light.

The most common reason for leaf loss from the tree is excess water. As with other Ficus species, too much watering will lead to rotting of the roots. If it is invisible, the symptoms of the phenomenon are well detectable. Wilting leaves, followed by dropping, will be a sign that you have watered too much Ficus lyrata. The Ficus lyrata could also end up not growing anymore or even by dying. To avoid making this mistake again, always check that the soil is dry before watering the plant. In general, we recommend watering per week, to be modulated if the temperatures increase, in summer for example.

Save a Ficus lyrata whose leaves are turning yellow

Ficus lyrata can be attacked by red spiders. These little bugs will tend to attack houseplants when the climate is hot and dry. Yellowing leaves are often a sign of a spider mite attack. You can detect their presence by the development of webs in the axils of the leaf and petiole.

If your Ficus lyrata is infested with spider mites, it's probably because it's too close to a heat source. You may have placed it right next to a heater or window that is fully exposed to the sun. To save your Ficus lyrata from the infestation of spider mites, you need to spray water on the leaves for several days and move the plant away from the offending heat source. Spider mites hate humidity and this simple method should normally be sufficient.

If this is not the case, we recommend that you use an acaricide. Indeed, red spiders are actually mites which feed by biting the cells of the plant and emptying them of their contents. This is also why you will observe a yellowing of the leaves. In case of too much infestation, you can therefore use a specific product, preferably organic. Indeed, it is recommended to use this type of product, in particular on indoor plants such as Ficus lyrata.

Rescue a Ficus lyrata that is attacked by mealybugs

Ficus lyrata is very sensitive to mealybugs. If your shrub is infected, then you will be able to detect the presence of these small white insects in large numbers on the leaves. Their presence will also be characterized by a white felting that will appear on the back of the leaves.

To combat this unwanted little animal, you will need very little equipment. Indeed, no need to go to a specialized store: a simple cotton swab will be sufficient to fight against parasites. Take the cotton swab and simply clean the leaves of the Ficus lyrata by passing it over it. The mealybugs will then cling to it and you can remove them from the plant.

The Ficus lyrata is therefore a magnificent houseplant whose problems can be detected by the presence of certain symptoms: a discoloration or a fall of the leaves, a white felting on them ... will be precious clues on what affects your plant. and guide you on how to treat her.

Our buying advice for your Ficus: