How to braid a ficus?

The ficus is an Asian green plant among many others that needs to be maintained to hope to live as long as possible, knowing that some species can live up to twenty years. There are specific maintenance that can change the shape of the tree such as pruning its branches or the braid. The braid system allows your ficus to change its appearance or aesthetics. This process takes place from the earliest age of your tree. For this you will need a few tools and follow a few steps to get the best results. We can say that not everyone has a green thumb but the braiding technique is not difficult, you just have to respect the different steps.

You should know that braiding your ficus requires a lot of patience and a lot of time. For this you really have to put your hands to the paws because you will have to braid the trunks of your tree as it grows. Here are the 5 steps to follow to successfully braid your ficus.

the 5 steps to follow to braid your ficus

When we have just bought our young ficus shoot, it is normal to wonder what we could do to have pretty braids when it grows up. For this purpose, it will be necessary to know the right technique to be successful. Here are five steps to follow to braid your ficus.

1. The choice of ficus

The braid makes it possible to join together three or more branches of a tree. It is necessary to choose a young ficus which has three thin trunks to ensure the braid. These trunks must be pruned which means, lopped up to the level of the thin branches which are on its top. You should know that the branches of a young ficus are quite flexible so there is nothing to worry about, they will be able to withstand this system well. Remember to spray water on each cut of the ficus tree to eliminate the discharge of the white matter.

2. Trim unnecessary parts

You should know that between the braids you can see parts of branches that can clutter. For this purpose, it deserves to cut them down before they grow with your tree. For this you will need a pair of sharp scissors or pruning shears. After this step, it will be necessary to water the ficus to have a moist soil. You must still avoid excess water, it could be detrimental to the health of the plant.

3. Place a support

Your ficus will grow up and leave a pretty braid from the base to a certain height. To ensure a good support system for your ficus, you will need to provide yourself with a stake or a wooden stake. Place one on each side of the pot. The height of this should reach the lower part of the foliage of your ficus. It should be noted that these stakes should be replaced as the plant grows.

4. Braid the branches

The braid system requires a lot of patience and a lot of time. You will need at least three branches on your ficus. The process is very simple, just cross the branches one by one, starting at the base of the trunks. Continue the braid until the part of the foliage of your ficus that is to say at the top of the plant. Over time your ficus will grow bigger and the braid will thicken and give a big trunk in a twisted form.

5. Fixing

As soon as the braid reaches the end of your ficus, that is to say its top, it will have to be tied with a string. Be sure to use a soft string for the ligature so that you don't risk leaving scar marks on your soles. After that, you will have to fix the other end of the string to one of the stakes present in the pot. Make sure to tighten the string so that it does not come undone.

Some tips that could help you braid your ficus

From the moment you have started to braid your ficus, you will need to ensure it has the right conditions for its survival and good growth. Do not forget the maintenance, it must be placed in a place with a temperature between 15 ° C and 22 ° C, bring it 10 cm from your window or give it an artificial light with a horticultural lamp. Also, don't forget to water it weekly. Avoid excessive watering. Remember to add fertilizer every month, respecting the necessary dose.

The plant that is the ficus will grow, the braid will not stop its growth. It will therefore be useful to renew the braid on the young shoots. The stakes or the stakes will also have to be replaced in the months following the first braid because the ficus will grow and they will no longer be suitable.