Does a ficus flower?

When we think of ficus, we instinctively think of its leaves. It must be said that it is for this area in particular that this family of plants has become so popular with the general public in recent years.

But then, a question may arise, does a ficus flower? It's true, we have such a tendency to talk about leaves of the plant that we could come to ask this stupid question.

This is surely what you said to yourself and it is the reason that led you to type “does a ficus flower” on your favorite search engine in quest of answer to your question.

Well, good news, you've come to the right place. We will tell you everything there is to know about flowering ficus trees in this article, so that in the end you will become an expert!

Ficus - General information 

There are a whole bunch of different ficus trees on the market, each with characteristics that will look better on some people than on others. This is why we invite you to discover them all in our article on this subject.

Yes, a ficus is blooming

To answer the question of knowing is a flowering ficus, we must first ask ourselves a fundamental question, what is a flower and what is it for? This question is generally addressed in college or even high school, in science.

But maybe these courses are a bit far for you, so we'll give you a quick summary. The flower is an element which is very costly in terms of energy for a plant and which therefore does not happen without reason.

And if a plant goes to so much trouble and expends so much energy, it is quite simply because making flowers allows the reproduction of the species. However, the ficus family, like other plants, needs to reproduce.

So yes, ficuses are flowers too. The problem is that as has been repeated many times, as on the article on the ficuses that do not bloom, they are capricious plants!

Therefore, if ever you do not meet all the conditions required of you by your plant, you will simply end up blowing air and your ficus will not make flowers.

It will be content to make leaves and this is also the reason why some people who have owned ficus for years have never seen the slightest flower on the horizon on their plant!

The conditions for having a ficus bloom

So now you know a ficus is blooming and you might be wondering how to get there so yours too. Well, the good news is, we're going to help you out.

We will present you the optimal conditions for your ficus to flower at home. Then, we will give you some tips to avoid the most common mistakes.

The first thing to know is that a ficus usually flowers when it is placed warm in an interior without the heat being too strong or too dry at the risk of drying out its leaves.

We advise you to put it far enough from the radiators to prevent them from drying out and to regularly run a cloth soaked in water over the leaves to restore a little humidity.

Once it is done, remember to water your ficus well according to what will be advised. To have a flowering ficus, you generally need to water once a week, no more, no less. There is a way to verify.

When touching the soil, if it is still slightly damp on the surface, there is no need to water again. If it dries up, it starts to add a little water, without adding too much anyway.

Watch out for drafts

One of the capital elements when looking to have a flowering ficus is to avoid drafts that could put an end to a young flower growing in less time than it does for to say it.

Indeed, the mistake that a lot of ficus owners make is to put the plant near a window that they are going to open so that it can take a sunbath, but ficus hate the wind. !

So keep it away from open windows and doors that will cause drafts during passages to prevent this kind of inconvenience from occurring in your home and ruining everything.

Exposure to the sun should not be too strong

Finally, if as we have just said, having a flowering ficus requires good sunshine, you should know that too much exposure to the sun has the opposite effect by outright burning the leaves and flowers.

This is also noticed quite easily. In this kind of case, you will start to see brown spots multiply on the leaves, especially those that are directly exposed to light!

Our advice for buying your ficus

Ficuses are beautiful plants, and there are all kinds of them. Are you struggling to make your choice? No worries, we've made a selection for you.