What to do with a drying out ficus?

Like all indoor green plants, the ficus requires attention in order for it to live as long as possible. It is not a difficult plant, you just have to respect the principle of maintenance. Not too frequent watering, a good location and a fairly humid room. Nevertheless, it is quite natural to see your plant dry out, especially in winter. There is nothing to worry about, there are remedies for this and effective ways to prevent this type of phenomenon. However, do not forget that this Asian plant should be placed in a room with mild temperature with a low thermal amplitude.

In general, the fact that a ficus dries up is explained by the mode of maintenance and its environment. If it is true that the ficus does not require having green hands, it is still necessary to know the good maintenance technique so that it can live in good health for more than twenty years. This therefore requires a minimum of willpower. Here are the 5 reasons that can cause your ficus to dry out.

The 5 reasons for the drying out of your ficus

The ficus is a Bansai type plant which is used to decorate the interior in a rather avant-garde way. When this one comes to show signs of illnesses like dryness, it is normal to wonder what could be the cause of this. Here are five points of the reasons that can explain this phenomenon.

1. A watering error

Water is an essential element for the survival of a plant like the ficus. However, you should know that watering this kind of plant too regularly could cause it to dry out. It is true that this type of plant requires ambient humidity. Notwithstanding, that certainly doesn't mean you need to water it every day. It is important to check that the soil is dry on the surface before watering. In general, weekly watering is more than sufficient.  

2. Lack of ambient humidity

The ficus is a tropical plant, which means that it needs a certain amount of humidity. If the air in the room it is in is too dry, that may explain why it is drying out. One of the first signs is leaf loss. To moisten the ficus, it will be necessary to sprinkle it with water using a spray or wipe it with a damp cloth. This allows the plant, especially the leaves, to absorb a small amount of water without risking overwatering.

3. Insufficient light

The ficus requires an amount of light necessary to be able to live. It is preferable that this light come directly from the sun. However, it is not advisable to expose it directly to its shelf. Lack of light for a fixed period of time could adversely affect the health of the plant, it can cause drying out. In winter, if your area is covered with gray or if all the rooms in your house cannot receive natural light, there is an alternative to the sun. This is to give an artificial light to your ficus using a horticultural lamp.

4. The location

The ficus should be placed in a fixed place. It is really not recommended to move it too often. This could be the cause of drying out. Also make sure that the room has a temperature between 15 ° C and 22 ° C, do not place it in a too ventilated place, where there is a draft.

5. Because of the freezing

This phenomenon obviously only happens in winter. If your ficus has set on freezing, it is normal for the leaves and stems to dry out. Since the plant is tropical, it cannot tolerate temperature variations. In this kind of case, it is necessary to cut the affected areas and put the ficus in a safe place, in a room that has all the qualities required for its survival.

Some tips that can help prevent a ficus from drying out 

For all species of ficus, it is important to know that water ensures their survival. Notwithstanding, you must respect the necessary amount so as not to risk various diseases such as dryness. It is always useful to remember that it is imperative to wait until the soil is dry before watering.

If possible, avoid leaving the ficus outside, especially in winter. Gusts of wind, cold, and direct exposure to sunlight are not beneficial to the ficus. Also, try to place it in a fixed place for as long as possible. Moving it could cause it to dry out.

In order for the ficus to receive the necessary humidity, place it in a place with relative humidity. Otherwise, don't forget to dampen it every now and then. This could limit the risk of drying out.