Put a ficus indoors or outdoors?

When we talk about ficus, we must first of all understand that we are not going to talk about a plant, but rather from a complete family of plants which includes dozens and dozens of species.

When we add the subspecies, we realize that the ficus are surely one of the largest families of plants that exist on earth and that necessarily means that there are a lot of differences.

So inevitably, among all these differences, you are probably wondering whether to put a ficus indoors or outdoors for example and which ones resist best to which temperatures? without losing leaves.

Thorny questions, but luckily for you, we've taken an interest in this topic and we're going to give you a straightforward answer on what to do and what not to do in this area.

Ficus - General information 

There are a whole bunch of different ficus trees on the market, each with characteristics that will look better on some people than on others. This is why we invite you to discover them all in our article on this subject.

A ficus indoors or outdoors?

So, should you put a ficus indoors or outdoors? Well the answer is not that easy and it will be necessary to look at several points before being able to answer them in a clear and precise way.

To begin with, we will quickly expand on several ficus trees. These ficus trees are those that we will be able to directly qualify as trees and which easily exceed two meters in height.

As you can imagine, these are difficult to grow indoors, even more so when you consider that the tallest species can reach around XNUMX meters in height.

This is a part of the ficus that you may not have in mind when you ask yourself whether to put a ficus indoors or outdoors, but it is all the same plants of the same family.

These will therefore be found quite logically exclusively outdoors, even if before taking one at home, it is better to take some precautions for its own good and prevent it from dying.

For this, what we advise you is to find yourself in the south of France or in a place with a similar climate to prevent the temperatures from dropping too much during the winter.

If this is the case at home, you will have to protect your tree with a whole system to prevent it from having to suffer frost during the winter at the risk of simply seeing it die before spring.

It is possible to put a ficus outside

For the rest of this article, we will come back to sizes that you are more used to seeing when you ask yourself whether to put a ficus indoors or outdoors.

For this size of plant, the answer will then be to favor the interior instead, because you will be able to control a lot of parameters that are not manageable if you have chosen the exterior.

For example, we can talk about the temperature, which will be the main problem if you want to put your ficus outside. Again, this will again greatly depend on your region.

If at home the temperatures do not drop for too long above fifteen degrees then yes, it is possible to put a ficus outside while protecting it a minimum against the cold.

But if the temperatures drop too much, it is strongly recommended not to put a ficus outside, it would expose it too much to the cold and at best it loses its leaves, at worst it will simply die.

The advantages of the interior

Indeed, the temperature that a ficus requires is around twenty degrees all year round. However, this is generally the temperature at which the homes of all French people will be.

There are certainly temperature variations depending on summer or winter, but this stable temperature around twenty degrees is a real blessing for a ficus that will thrive indoors.

Alternate between an indoor or outdoor ficus

The question that we could then ask ourselves when we want to know whether to put a ficus indoors or outdoors could then be whether we can alternate indoors and outdoors during the year.

Thus, we would take out the ficus in summer so that it enjoys the good weather and mild temperatures and we would bring it in in winter so that it can spend this whole period warm in the house.

Well, in fact, yes it is quite possible to do so. However, keep in mind that ficuses don't really like to be changed places too often and risk losing their foliage if this happens!

Our advice for buying your ficus

Ficuses are beautiful plants, and there are all kinds of them. Are you struggling to make your choice? No worries, we've made a selection for you.