When to plant your Ficus Carica?

The Ficus carica is the scientific name of the tree better known as the common fig tree. It is indeed he who produces the famous green, black or purple figs that we love so much to consume in summer. Its fruits are eaten for their sweet taste but also for their many health benefits.

The Ficus carica is a fairly hardy tree that adapts to very different regions. It appreciates a very sunny position, sheltered from the wind, especially in the coldest regions. The fig tree is planted at different times of the year depending on the region. When to plant Ficus carica? Read this article quickly to know the best time to ensure a successful planting!

When to plant your Ficus carica in the southern regions?

In southern regions, where temperatures are warmer, Ficus carica can be planted in autumn, between September and November. The Mediterranean origins of Ficus carica explain its attraction for hot exposures with access to the sun. Unlike other varieties of Ficus, Ficus carica is therefore not native to tropical regions. and it will therefore have lower water requirements.

Even if the temperatures are mild, it is recommended to plant the Ficus carica in the shelter of a wall. Thus, it will be protected from cold gusts of wind that could surprise it. In order to ensure its development, it is preferable to favor a south or south-west orientation. The first summer, remember to water your Ficus carica well. It will then be able to withstand drought on its own in the following summers.

When to plant your Ficus carica in the northern regions?

In the regions of the northern half of France, you will have to wait until the end of the big frosts, in March or April, to plant your Ficus carica. Contrary to popular belief, the fig tree is not necessarily planted in the hottest regions. It can indeed acclimatize perfectly in most of our regions. It even withstands temperatures down to -15 ° C as long as it is located in a warm location, sheltered from cold winds.

The Ficus carica must therefore be protected from spring frosts. Thus, the planting of the fig tree in the northern regions should preferably be done after the last frosts, to give the tree time to settle properly. The cold could actually cause the destruction of flower buds and young twigs which would compromise the harvest of figs. As in southern regions, choose a protected location, against a south-facing wall which will reflect the heat. If the Ficus carica is subjected to cold winds, its aerial parts could be damaged.

Know when to plant your Ficus carica so that it becomes resistant

The Ficus carica is a hardy plant that can withstand frosts down to -15 ° C. It is however important to plant in its geographical area, the varieties which are adapted there. Indeed, when buying your Ficus carica, find out about the tree's preferences in terms of climate. You will then make sure to choose a species suitable for early planting, starting in the fall if you are in the south, or a species that will be planted a little later if you are in the north.

However, if the fig tree tolerates the cold well, this does not mean that exposure to low temperatures is without consequence. When planting Ficus carica, temperatures that are too cold will completely prevent it from growing and you will never have the fruit production you expect.

The fig tree is one of the trees that best tolerates temperature changes. Indeed, it is generally able to survive at temperatures between -7 and 40 ° C. However, the optimum temperature for maximum development of Ficus carica is considered to be 18 ° C. While it can withstand almost any weather, it's best to avoid being exposed to frost or direct sunlight for too long. Preferably, the Ficus carica should be planted when the temperature is close to the ideal temperature. It will thus be able to develop properly, and set up its roots, flowers and fruits.

The Ficus carica is therefore a rather robust tree that can be planted in all regions.. However, care should always be taken to plant it at the right time, in autumn or spring depending on local temperatures. Remember that frost is the number 1 enemy of Ficus carica when planting and therefore you must make sure that there is no risk of frost when putting your fig tree in the ground in your garden. Plant your Ficus carica correctly and at the right time, it is the assurance of a vigorous tree and constant fruit production throughout the year.

Our buying advice for planting your Ficus Carica: